Archive for: February, 2022

Virtual Assistant Work Advantages

Feb 24 2022 Published by dayat under Uncategorized

Nowadays, this generation is a fast-paced development in the field of internet computer technology. Wherever we go traveling around the world, most people engaged in technology like using gadgets such laptops and cellphones because it gives benefits to them and makes them do something comfortable, convenient and no hassle at all. We can overview that the world is revolving through the use of computer technology and it’s very demanding today. We have also to adopt the changes, learn more new things and new ideas related to technology. And we have to upgrade ourselves as technology do.

Many University schools offer a course related to Computers such as Information Technology (IT), Computer Programming, Computer Science, Computer Engineering and a lot more. Some of us will choose in any of these courses because it has many advantages and benefits we can gain as we apply to big companies and for abroad also with highly paid salaries. But these days, many of us prefer to work at home for convenience, have spare time with family, efficient money-saving and no struggling to commute to go for work. Fortunately, everybody can avail the opportunity to work on the internet even though without any degree holder as long as we have the profound skills and knowledge about computer.

Virtual Assistant Work is very highly in demand today because we are interconnected throughout the world through this computer age. Especially if we have a variety of skills to showcase or provide to the clients. Most clients are seeking a multi-skills virtual assistant to help conveniently build their online businesses grow.

Here are the Benefits of Virtual Assistant Work:

CREATE OWN TIME. Work at home is the excellent opportunity for us because we are creating and managing our own time without a boss, or a manager who guarded our time when we get late in our designated workplace. Doing this job as a virtual assistant needs to create time methodically because we are accountable for the specific time tasks given to us by our clients.
CREATE GOOD INCOME. The best thing about working as a virtual assistant, we become more enthusiastic to do our job and eager to earn more money especially if it is our passion and desire. Having a lot of skills online is highly beneficial for us because it will generate more money.
CREATE SELF-DEVELOPMENT. Being a virtual assistant helps build self-confidence and self- disciplined, and helps improve our skills and knowledge as well. At first, stepping into the unknown is quite uneasy. However, it challenges us to strive more to learn new things, applied work ethics and unique strategies so that many potential clients will value our worth and we get excellent reviews from them.
CREATE OWN VERSION. In virtual assistant work, advantages are a lot more. If we pursue a career which is a desire in our heart, we will do our best to achieve it. Like setting up own VA offices for business, and the passion for becoming a coach or mentor to help others is the best way to be our own greatest version.

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Free Wholesale & Dropshipping Sources Suppliers List eBay

Feb 16 2022 Published by dayat under Uncategorized

PLEASE READ: Our complete list is now posted and available for free at a website of one of our business clients (see below for web address). On this website you will also find additional surplus and salvage sources, wholesale liquidators information, and information on specific suppliers that deal in wide variety of niche items as well as general wholesale and surplus merchandise.

Reason we decided to post our list on a site rather than e-mail it as we have done for the last 7 years is because we have been getting an overwhelming amount of requests – over 100 per day, on average, and it has become impossible to keep up. We are allowed to update our list through the site, so mark it and visit from time to time. If you want to add a company to the list, post a comment, and we will get notified of your post and will request for site owner to update the list.

We are still seeing an increased number of those who requested our free list – formatting it in a cleaner format and selling on eBay. The number of these SHAMELESS PEOPLE IS NOW 200+ eBay sellers that are selling our list for $9.95 – $19.95. WHAT A SHAME!!! SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!!! To add to that, We are STILL receiving quite a few nasty e-mails from some eBay sellers – specifically those that SELL similar lists on eBay, questioning as to why we chose to undermine their “business” and give our list away. Well, to all those RUDE people who sent us and continue sending us e-mails: We have given our list to over 100000 people so far, and will CONTINUE to give it out. This is our right, so please STOP wasting your time sending us silly e-mails. You can also STOP voting “NO” for this guide. This guide has been viewed by way too many people already, voted on and indexed in Google search for helpfulness, so your negative ratings will have ZERO impact

We are tired of people trying to rip off honest buyers by selling them obsolete, recycled or otherwise common information lists. True, these sources are not easy to find, but with some research, it is easy enough. While there is not much we can do to stop this practice, we can give you our own list for FREE. Thats right, FREE.

Why, you may ask? Well, first of all healthy competition is great. Secondly, we have found our niche over 19 years ago, and cannot put this list to its full use. We do hope that you find it useful, and maybe even valuable. We know for a fact that this list contains the same exact wholesalers and drop shippers that other ebayers sell for 19.99, and some up to 29.99

Here is our list of various tried and true wholesalers, distributors and drop shippers. Nothing hidden. You get whatever information we have available regarding the source. Website, telephone number, mailing address, fax, e mail, etc.
Use it as you see fit, and if you find even ONE useful source from this list,

you can now find our wholesale suppliers and dropshipping sources list here:
Genuine Wholesale Suppliers of 1.6 million products like Electronics, fashion, DVDs, Designer Handbags, Clothing, Shoes & Accessories etc from hundreds of brands, Beginners who don’t know how to find a supplier for eBay, and don’t know which products they should sell online.

[UPDATE 2021] Top Dropshipping Suppliers for eBay, Amazon, Shopify
Please click the link below for registration

+ Internet’s largest database of verified wholesalers and drop shippers
+ Guarantees to give you the sources you are looking for
+ Exclusive Case Study: How a new online retailer is making over $3million turnover by using this directory and drop shipping (full case study available to members).
+ Over 8,000+ verified wholesalers, drop shippers, branded goods distributors and manufacturers
+ Over 3,000+ true drop shippers and growing
+ Over 1,000 new sources verified every month
+ Over 2,000+ government auction sources
+ Unlimited research: need even more top sources? Get unlimited research reports based on your requirements.
+ Find profitable products locally at cheaper than China prices (without having to pay for duties and long shipping times)
+ Longest established verified directory service in the US
+ Free Courses on how to create a successful eBay business ($97 value)
+ Free eBay Business Handbook, the ultimate guide to making money on eBay;
+ Free eBay Market Research Lab.

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